Online dating has become more and more popular throughout the last 10 years. As the Internet becomes more and more prevalent in society, it has meant that many people do many more aspects online both professionally and personally. As many people may live busy lives dealing with both work and household chores, it might not leave enough time to do a lot of socializing. In the past, this has often been the way that people have met their partner or spouse, but those who don't have time to do this...
Speed Dating for singles over 30. When you are over 30 and start to become sick of he bar scene. Speed Dating is a great alternative. Speed dating events are usually held in upscale venues, organized and give you the opportunity to have 10 dates in one night. We call then mini-dates. The Host or Hostess of the event will put assign the guys tables. Then the girls will start at any table. After 8 minutes, the hostess will ask the guys to move to the next table while the girls stay put. What your...
A relationship, no matter the type, is like anything else in life and must have some effort put forth in order to be successful. With a little common sense and a lot of consideration and compassion, you can ensure that all of your relationships are pleasant, positive and healthy. Here are five very simple things that you can do to improve the relationships you currently have and also pave the way for successful ones in the future. Take Responsibility for Yourself This is probably the most...
Asking someone out on a date can be very intimidating, especially if you do not know them that well or if they are a complete stranger. This guide helps you learn how to confidently ask a stranger out on a date by introducing yourself, finding common ground, learning about the stranger, and then asking them out. Sometime's asking someone out is as easy as initiating a conversation.
A key ingredient to building any relationship is having the confidence to ask any given woman out in the first place. Women find confidence in a man more attractive than his looks, and at first, even his personality (you will, however, have to have a good personality to keep her interested). Getting the confidence to walk up to a woman can be a task that can make even the toughest of men shake. If you have naturally low self-esteem, then try some different routines to boost your confidence....
Having a hard time expressing your feelings to someone you've got a crush on? Check out this video to get some sound advice on how to carry yourself around your crush so that you can develop a healthy, positive relationship.
More and more people are finding love in people they met on the internet, but meeting someone you know online for the first time in person can be stressful and even dangerous. Watch this video for tips on planning a fun, safe first date with someone you've met online.
Aproaching a cute girl in any sort of setting is intimidating. If she's with her friends, then you're probably nervous about making a good impression in front of all of them and probably freaked about how they'll judge you as a potential suitor, and if she's alone it's a deadly one-on-one confrontation.
Asking out that cute girl you've been crushing on for what seems like thousands of years can be intimidating and nervewracking, to say the least. What if she rejects you and rips out your heart and stomps on it right then and there, right?
Let's be honest here: While the web opens up a whole new, vast world of dating opportunities, it simultaneously opens up the possibility of creeps, stalkers, and just plain crazy types.
If you've been going out with a girl for a few months and everything's been going great and you catch yourself really enjoying every moment you spend with her, you may find yourself loving her soon enough. But once you've established that you love her, how do you tell her?
Flirting is tough business. How do you know that you're getting the signal across? Well, it takes practice and some well thought out advice to succeed, and this video will show you how to flirt like a pro. It share's the quick DOs and DON'Ts for flirting with a cute boy (or man).
In this tutorial, we learn how to meet a woman on the street. There are several ways you can meet a woman on the street. The first way is to drop something near her and see if she brings it to you. If she does, you can start to strike up a conversation with her. Another way is to go up and ask for directions or recommendations around town. Make sure to have a lot of confidence and don't try too hard when you are approaching a woman. If you show too much confidence, this will scare her away and...
In this tutorial, we learn how to meet women at the beach, pool, park, or lake. The beach is a great way to meet a woman. Don't hover over the girl or you will look like a big cloud getting in her way. Bring a pale and a shovel to the beach and have fun with your friends! Bring something to play with your friends and make sure to forget your sunblock. This way, you can go over to a girl and ask if you can borrow hers. Be confident and then challenge a girl to play games with you or go swimming...
In this tutorial, we learn how to understand how women think about men. When a woman walks by you, if she's smiling the whole way you have to think about how she feels when you approach her. Women think the same exact way as men do, they're equally as nervous and scared. If the girl is laughing and giggling, this is not a blow off. Look for a girl that is animated and wants to talk to you. Stop thinking that women are different from you and they don't think like you, then you will be able to...
In this tutorial, David Wygant teaches us how to flirt with women at coffee shops. First, find the right place you want to go! If you think that going to a sports bar is a good idea, think again! Go to a place like the one you see in this video, "Tea Palace". There will be a TON of women inside places and cafes like this. If women are together, they will most likely be trash talking about men. You can easily start a conversation with a woman or group of women if you are in a place like this....
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract a woman with your body language. If you see a woman that's bored, immediately walk up to her! You can do this with a girl that works in a department store, because she'll be bored. Spring into action and talk to that girl about anything! The girl has been spending the day bored, so she wants someone to talk to. Once you're in the conversation with her, she will start to smile and laugh. This will start you on a good track to get her number and possibly...
In this tutorial, we learn how to meet guys everywhere by changing your body language. If you are sitting down with a woman during an afternoon, you need to change your body language to attract men. Don't get too close to the girl and move away from the open edge of the table. You want to notice the surroundings near you and keep your body opened up to people coming up to speak with you. Invite energy over to you and keep a smile on your face. You can carry on a conversation but also invite a...
In this tutorial, we learn how to text a guy. During these times, guys don't call you for a date anymore. If you want to go on a date, the guys will text you first. You need to learn how to text them back correctly so you keep their attention and express your personality over the phone in texts. Stay original and creative when you are texting them back and show your humor. This will show the guy that you are interested in him and you want to hang out. Just be yourself and don't try too hard to...
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract a women at first glance. First, find a guy that you think dresses really well and dress just like them. Don't jam your body into something that doesn't fit you, find something that fits you well. A woman wants a man that looks completed, not someone that looks like he needs to be changed. Fashion is a statement to the woman that is your own personal brand, it shows the woman who you are. Get your clothes together and go out there to get the woman that...
In this tutorial, we learn how to read her body language. Use the space between you and the girl as a dividing line. If the girl is smiling and biting her lip, this is a really good sign! Don't break eye contact or else this won't work with the girl. When the girl steps back, that shows she's not comfortable around him. If she's still smiling and laughing she will get more comfortable with him. Make sure you don't overstep your boundaries or the girl might get creeped out and walk away from...
In this tutorial, we learn how to marry a millionaire man. You need to branch out to territories where millionaires hang out. Look in the right places and you can even find the social register where you can find the names of millionaires. Go to charity auctions, art galleries, and more to find these guys. Start to study art and music and the guys will be impressed with you, making you one step closer to marrying them. You must also look the part, which means having nice things on your body....
In this tutorial, we learn how to be powerful & get inside a girl's head. To pick up a girl, you need to be confident and engage a girl. Women over the age 22 want to be engaged and want guys to be confident with them. They also want men to listen to them! Getting the phone number, getting her to think about you is what its all about. When you go in weak and don't listen to a girl, she is not going to respect you or think about you later on. Use these tips to help get a girl, enjoy!
In this tutorial, we learn how to turn men on with your walk. When you are walking, you need to walk with confidence, not like you have a stick up your butt. Guys want to see a girl walk past you and keep watching them even after they have passed. As you walk, think about how good you look and enjoy passing a guy that will think you look amazing! Walk slowly and make sure you put a little bit of bounce in your step. Don't worry about people watching you walking, then you will let go of your...
In this video, we learn how to attract women with the instant street pick-up. When you are approaching women on the street and having a conversation with them, they will most likely close you first. Tell her that you want to see her again and make sure you get her number! Don't let her leave or walk away without asking her number. She's not going to talk and have a long conversation with you and not want your number. Pay attention to her body language and make her feel important, which will...
In this tutorial, we learn how to meet more women & blast away your insecurities forever. Although you may be insecure, you need to get past this and act like you are confident. Don't worry about being attractive and do things that feel right to you. When you stop caring about looking perfect, the girls will start to notice you more. Dress the way that you feel comfortable in and you will exude confidence to the women around you. Women like to be around guys that are confident and that can take...
If you've been dating for a while and have finally met someone you want to have a serious relationship with, congratulations. The only problem is now you have to break it off with the other people that you've been dating. Fortunately, this video will teach you how to do just that.
In this video, couples issues-expert Dr. Karen Stewart discusses how to maintain and encourage open communication committed relationship. For more information, and to learn more about how to keep the lines of communication open when in a serious relationship, watch this helpful video guide from the folks at Mahalo.
In this video, couples issues-expert Dr. Karen Stewart discusses how to start a romantic relationship with a colleague. For more information, and to learn more about how to approach a coworker, watch this helpful video guide from the folks at Mahalo.
In this video, couples issues-expert Dr. Karen Stewart discusses how to be "friends with benefits" with a platonic friend or ex. For more information, and to learn more about becoming "friends with benefits" with the object of your own interest, watch this helpful video guide from the folks at Mahalo.
In this tutorial, we learn how to learn to live in the moment and be more attractive. When you want to land a girl and appear more attractive to her, you need to live in the moment. When you stop worrying about yourself and being absorbed in your own mind, the girls will come. Forget about yourself and focus on exactly what is going on in the situation that you are in. Life is full of ups and downs, so don't let outside things effect you when you are trying to find a girl. Live in the moment...
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women, as told by a woman. When you want a woman, you need to first of all be in control of your emotions. Make sure you are thinking about her and taking control of the situation. Be laid back but be in control so you are living in the moment. be comfortable in the environment and the woman will be attracted to you and think you are hot! A woman likes to talk about yourself, so ask her questions and genuinely be interested in her. Find common ground so...
In this tutorial, we learn how to know when a girl is interested. First, always look for eye contact with women. This is a girl showing that she wants you to come over and talk to her and that she is interested in you. For the most part, a girl will not come over and talk to you, she will give you signs for you to come talk to her. Also check out her body language to see if she is interested in you. Focus on the direction and interest of her body, make sure she is directed towards you and...
In this video, we learn how to form a "Mastermind Group" with your wingmen. Make sure you have motivation to go out by finding two to three close friends. These friends will encourage you to go out during the week as friends as well as out to the bars and clubs. Organize information with each other and then motivate each other to go out and get better at getting women. Start motivating yourself by wanting to hang out with your friends and watching them go and get girls. Once you do this, you...
in this video we learn how to seduce women. Seducing women comes down to being confident, interacting with them, and knowing what their reactions are. First, you will need to talk to a girl and get a feel for her. Be confident in yourself and don't care what anyone else thinks about you. Enjoy and love yourself but don't come off as arrogant to the girl. Talk to her and interact by touching her and teasing her. Once you do this, the girl will start to approach you and become far more interested...
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women with your emotions. Don't make the mistake that being stoic or not showing emotions is a strong and manly characteristic. You want to show a woman that you are emotional, just not too emotional. Show the range of emotions that you feel everyday. Show that a real man will be happy, sad, mad, and anything else! This will make you look more authentic to a girl and powerful because she will see that you are yourself around her. This will make women...
In this tutorial, we learn how to tease a girl to increase attraction. Have fun with girls so you make them laugh. Once you make them laugh and you are letting them have fun, they will be hooked. Master the power of walking away from the girls. This will make them come to you instead of you coming to them. Once a girl comes back to you and you tease her, she will want to let you keep her laughing all the time! Have a lot of fun with the girl and don't be too serious. Don't be intimidated, just...
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women while looking like a mess. You feel great when you are wearing new clothes and you have a new haircut. This gives you confidence because you know you look good and girls will notice you. You can feel this way without having the great clothes and hair, you just have to change your mindset. Know that you are a good looking guy and have a fun personality and girls will definitely take notice. If you feel good about yourself and feel that you are...
In this video, we learn how to attract women with the power of your voice. If there is one thing women really love about men, it's how they speak. Women love a man that has a confident and smooth voice. A powerful voice means that you are confident in yourself and secure in who you are. Women will be more likely to notice you if you have a powerful voice and not a weak or scared voice. You can use the power of your voice in any situation to attract a woman, which is a great tool to have if you...
Are you madly in love with your best friend? Don't worry, Dan and Jennifer talk about how to deal with it in this video. If your friend has found out that you are in love with her and is acting weird towards you, this may mean the friendship is over. Never talk to a girl's friend because the friend may trash you to the girl that you are in love with. This can cause you to lose a friendship and a potential girlfriend as well. Talk to the girl directly if you really want to date her and let her...
In this video, we learn how to attract women without trying. The way you can do this is by simply having some fun! Most guys are way too into finding women and try far too hard. If you are having some fun with your friends and not focusing on it too much, you will most likely find a girl to attract! Girls love to have fun, dance, party, and talk to guys. If you can be a girl that has some fun energy, this will attract a girl to talk to you and can possibly start a relationship! Just have a...
It's possible to attract women using magic tricks, and Alex will teach you how to in this video. You can do this during the day or in bars and clubs, which will entertain one women or an entire group. First, take a small piece of paper, a piece of money will work as well. Fold it up into a small square and then fold it again into an even smaller piece. Hold it in your hands and then blow on your hands. A piece of plain paper will appear. Pretend to walk away, then the girl will call you back...
In this video, we learn how to attract a woman with one look. When you go over to talk to a girl, you want to walk up to her slowly. Walking slowly will teach you how to attract a woman because you aren't walking fast like everyone else. Don't have a nervous energy, because this will show lack of confidence in yourself. Once you are talking to the woman, make sure you are giving her eye contact and she is interested in what you are saying. It's a great idea for you to meet the woman at the...
For some reason these days, it seems like all the young people want to date old people and vice versa. If you find yourself on the young side of that equation, watch this video for some novel tips on convincing your parents to let you date an older man or woman.
In this video, we learn how to tell if a girl is interested. If you just met a girl and have gone out with her a couple of times, there are ways to tell if she really likes you. Sometimes girls can forget to call you or hang out, but don't take it to heart. The best way to know if a girl likes you is to compare her to a girl that you know was interested in you in your past. If your current girl acts like the girl that liked you in the past, you will know she really likes you and can think about...
In this video, we learn how to tell if a girl is interested in you. First, you will see that the girl acts different around you. She should be more confident and stare at you a lot. She will also laugh at your jokes and try to flirt with you a lot. If she is nice to your friends but nicer to you, this is also a big hint. Pay attention to see if a girl squints at you while talking and see how she teases you or jokes around. If she acts differently with you, then she probably likes you so take a...
In this tutorial, we learn how to kiss a guy. First, make sure he's into you before you kiss him. Guys will be more willing to kiss someone, but it will be better if you both like each other. Then, make it apparent that you want to kiss him by flirting and having a lot of physical contact with him. If he doesn't try to kiss you, show him with body language that you are into him. Touch his arm or his shoulder and joke around with him to show him you want him. After this, look into his eyes and...
Do you have a loved one or coworker you have to talk to who dominates conversation, not allowing you to speak your piece? Watch this video for several great tips on dealing with loudmouth people and having effective relationships with them.
Before the feminist movement gained prominence in America, there was a man named Al Capp. Capp was creator of the hillbilly comic strip Li'l Abner (1934-1977), and in 1937, his Sadie Hawkins Day spilled out into reality as the pseudo-holiday practiced throughout schools and colleges, where girls asked boys to the dance.
Do you wish that the women your were attracted to felt the same way about you? There are relatively simple ways of helping this happen, and this video will teach you a few of them. Most importantly: believe in yourself and cultivate yourself into a man a good woman would want to be with.
If you have a friend or loved one with bad breath, handling the situation in a sensitive way is crucial to solving the problem and saving your relationship. This video will give you good ideas for having that conversation successfully and nicely.