Dating Advice How-Tos

How To: Flirt with a guy over text messages

Love is never easy. It can be a messy thing that can cause two people to feel a whole lot of pain or joy. But who's talking about love? In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to flirt with a guy over text messages. It may seem like something that isn't as good as flirting with them in person, but it still works. So good luck, enjoy, and maybe this advice will work so far that you could even use the L word later in the future.

How To: Kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time

Nothing is more exciting and nervous than a first kiss. Whether it's with a boy or girl, many people want to make sure they're able to give off the perfect kiss that will not only relax and excite the partner, but keep em coming back for more. So in the tutorial above, you'll find out how to kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend for the very first time. Oh, and please don't try practicing with a mirror or doll. That's just gross! Enjoy!

How To: Tell if a guy has a crush on you

Love is one of the most confusing parts of life. There aren't any set rules for trying to figure out if a girl or guy likes you. In this video tutorial, you'll find out exactly just that. How to tell if a guy has a crush on you. This is just one way out of many to tell if a guy likes you. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Meet and date women after divorce

After a divorce, it may seem easy to keep your female hunting on the down low and avoid awkwardness by simply registering on sites like and "dating" people online. But the experience of a first date is one hell we must all go through in our lives.

How To: Get the women you want to date you

Are you a shy sort? Don't let the woman of your dreams get away from you! From Meet Your Sweet, learn about how to get the woman you desire to notice you and eventually date you! Stop hiding in the background and let her know you're interested and willing to take her out! Get the women you want to date you.

How To: Keep the fire in a long distance relationship

In this how-to video, you will learn how to handle a long distance relationship. This is important if you want to keep the fire alive in your situation. This depends on how long the distance is and how long the time is going to be. If it is only for a short time, you can start by writing love letters to each other. It is much nicer than sending an e-mail or text. If you have met while living in different cities, remember to spend a lot of time together when you have the chance. Talk daily and...

How To: Attract a man like a magnet

This video shows how to attract a man like a magnet! There are three powerful principles involved. Men are very attracted by confidence. It is not a question of acting confident, but of being confident. You need to practise thinking about what you like and appreciate about yourself. You should not try to impress a man because he can sense that you are auditioning for him. Principle number one is to stop trying to impress him. Men love to pursue a woman. Think about yourself as a flower and th...

How To: Read into mixed signals from a guy

Flirting can be a scary, confusing world if you're not prepared. Everybody has their own way of communicating their feelings and more often than not, it's not all black and white. Being able to read into those shades of gray can make it much easier to tell when you're being flirted with and when he's so done with you. This video will show you to read mixed signals from a guy.

How To: Talk & converse with a girl on a first date

So, you asked out the girl you like and now you're about to hemmorage because you have no idea how to talk to her on a date. No sweat. The Wing Girls are here to help. In this video, learn how to go about getting a comfortable, flowing and interesting conversation started with a girl on a date.

How To: Talk to a girl on the phone

Talking on the phone with a girl you like for the first time can be nerve wracking. Luckily, The Wing Girls are here to help with their honest and earnest dating & relationship advice. Learn how to get past that first phone call and get comfortable on the phone with your crush with tips & tricks given here!

How To: Write a heartfelt love letter

Writing a love letter be scary and intimidating when you try to get started. Finding a way to put all your emotions into words on a piece of paper can trouble even the greatest of minds. This video will offer some helpful and insightful tips to make sure you write a letter that truly expresses all of the feelings you've got inside you for that special someone. Write a heartfelt love letter.

How To: Start a conversation with a stranger in an elevator

Do you hate that awkward silence in an elevator? Everyone is thinking the same thing.. "How long until my floor comes up so I can get out of this awkward small box I'm trapped in with a stranger?" Well, this tutorial offers advice on how to strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. Kiss those quiet rides goodbye and maybe make a few new friends! Try these techniques and topics next time you are on your way up to the office, or wherever you are headed in that little metal box.

How To: Be a flawless flirt

In this video, Katie Krienitz from MyTrueLove TV shares her six secrets to being a flawless flirt. Check out this tutorial and you will be on your way to finding the man or woman of your dreams in no time. Follow Katie's rules to becoming a better flirt and find that special someone. Flirting takes practice and there is a fine line between good flirt and obnoxious weirdo, hopefully with Katie's help you will be the former next time you meet your dream partner.

How To: Tell if a guy likes you with 10 signs

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to tell if a guy likes them with 10 signs. The guy cuddles you until you cuddle back. He stares deeply into your eyes and doesn't care if you notice. He will talk non-stop just to talk to you. He laughs at your jokes, even if there not funny. He's quieter when he's alone with you because he gets shy. He will hug you every time he sees you. He will get annoyed if anyone causes you discomfort. He can't finish his sentences because he doesn't want to loo...

How To: Talk to a woman when there's nothing to talk about

In this video from Charisma Arts, we're shown how to talk to women when there's nothing easy to talk about. Some women are very easy to begin a conversation with because they're doing something unique. They look as if they want to be talked to, and there's something to comment on. Those women are easier to talk to. More likely, though, the woman is not doing anything you can comment on. A lot of attractive women get approached all the time and they have their shields up, not making it easy fo...

How To: Make any man fall in love with you

Men are sometimes hard to deconstruct, but when you know you like someone you just do. And sometimes it can be hard to make the right moves to shift your relationship in the direction you want. Well take a look at this video and my good paraplegic friend will show you exactly how to make any man fall in love with you.

How To: Snag a trophy wife

Everyone wants to have a pretty young thing on their arm, but not everyone can get it. To secure perfect trophy wife of your dreams, you need to meet a few criteria. Check out this tutorial and learn the do's and don'ts of dating younger ladies.

How To: Cheek kiss

Kissing friends and family members on the cheek is a common social greeting. If you are not used to it, cheek kisses can come across as awkward. Follow these steps and avoid any strange confrontations.

How To: Get women by creating the perfect profile headline

Ramses and Tara from Skills of the Game explain why creating an attention-getting headline is important in online dating, especially on dating sites that emphasize a headline rather than a thumbnail picture. They explain how and why a poor headline can diminish a person’s standing. They give examples of bad headlines, and suggest writing headlines that are either lighthearted or call the reader to action. After giving a few examples of good profile headlines, Tara explains why the most import...

How To: Flirt with a girl

Just like any other skill, to be good at flirting you will have to practice. It's not as hard as it may seem once you know what to do. With just a couple of key flirting skills you will be able to make a great impression on anyone.

How To: Get women by avoiding the 'weirdo zone'

In this video from Inner Confidence, they demonstrate how to not get too into a women's personal space. A way to not approach a woman is to approach her head on. It is much less intrusive if you approach her from the side. The girl in the video says that a man's attractiveness depends on his groundedness. Some guys to not realize they are socially awkward. When guys take this program they are more relaxed and the know what to say. She says a big turn off is a guy who is really feminine. A qua...

How To: Use the ultimate opening line with women

In this video from DavidWygant he teaches about using the ultimate opening line with women. He talks about approach anxiety and how you can talk to women about that very thing. He also talks about the 10 PM rule. Talk to the girls before 10 pm because by around 10 she will be so annoyed by being hit on all night. You can even approach her early in the night and discuss about maybe who she is meeting up with. Make a joke about your phones! Maybe you both receive text messages from your friends...

How To: Get women with Dr. Neder

This video has a man by the name of Dr. Neder and he has a book by the name, ‘how to be a man in a woman’s world.’ He answers a series of questions. The first question asked is how to get a girl with a boyfriend. The answer this video provides is simply that all girls are looking to date up. Meaning your value and assets, if there is a greater attraction then the girl will end up with you and dump the guy that she is with. Does size matter? The average size of most man is five inches to five ...

How To: Pick-up girls by acting cool & like a natural flirt

Learn to pick up girls by acting cool and being a natural flirt. You can learn how to be totally relaxed, confident and natural when you approach girls. Don't over-analyze every situation, sometimes you just have to not care and let it be, that way you'll just come across as a cool guy. You have to realize that some interactions will be great some won't be and you shouldn't care because now you've found your inner self. Just remember that it doesn't matter if you get a phone number or not, th...

How To: Keep the conversation going & avoid dead zones

This is a very useful instructional video on keeping the conversation going when a man wants to talk with a woman. It is indeed an art to talk to women. It is not easy for many men to keep the conversation going. They don't know how to avoid conversation killers. They are at a loss for words when they meet a woman. If you ever find it difficult to keep the conversation going when you talk to women, this video teaches you how to avoid the biggest conversation killer. It helps you to keep the c...

How To: Meet women using your dog

David Wygant discusses how to meet women using your dog. If you own a dog, start spending quality time with your dog. Instead of taking your dog for walks around your quiet neighborhood, take your dog onto a crowded street. When you're on a crowded street you have the opportunity to meet people through your dog. Your dog is one of the best props you can use to attract people. People will want to open up and communicate with you because of your dog. Stop into storefronts on your walk and meet ...

How To: Be safe while online dating

In this video, Dan and Jennifer will teach you how to be safe while trying to meet girls or date online. Learn tips and tricks to avoid common scams such as identity theft and fraud, as well as things to look out for and early warning signs that your potential lover may not be all she says she is. Dan and Jennifer will also show you how to watch out for one of the most common scams online: "cam girls". Don't fall for that fake girl that acts like she's totally into you but really just wants y...

How To: Get a woman to feel chemistry with you

David Wygant discusses how to get a woman to feel chemistry with you. First, realize that no one can create chemistry and to have something really special with someone, you need to have chemistry. Everyone is attracted to different kinds of people. Chemistry and attraction is a numbers game. You can create your odds by creating energy with people. Observe women, listen to what they have to say and converse with them accordingly. These techniques may unlock a woman's attraction for you. Howeve...

How To: Deal with liking a girl who's in a broken relationship

If you're in a situation where you like a person in an abusive relationship, then most likely the person seems to be reluctant to get out of their relationship. The person most likely has self-worth issues. Until those self-worth issues are resolved, the person will never be happy with you or anyone else. Most often they feel that they don't deserve to be happy. Until that person feels that they deserve happiness, and want happiness with you, you can forget ever moving beyond the friend zone....