Dating Advice How-Tos

How To: Turn a guy on

How to turn a guy on in the bedroom. Confidence is important. You don't want to hide behind the curtains, or dive under the sheets when the lights go out. A woman who can walk around naked shows that she is confident and this is a major turn on. Also, when you understand a man's body and know what to do with it, this is also a major way to turn a man on. Be yourself, you don't have to act like you are in the movies and be all dramatic, like a porn star. You shouldn't be afraid to do what you ...

How To: Get out of the friend zone & date your crush

You need to realize that you can waste a lot of time thinking about a crush when you could be saying "hey, let's go out, let's go study, etc." You don't want to play it safe and find out 20 years later that someone had a crush on you and you didn't do anything about it. Don't worry about being rejected. If you have a crush you should ask him or her out today and get it over with. You will either be rejected or not. Either way, you will know what he or she is thinking.

How To: Attract a women by dressing outside your comfort zone

The video is presented to you by Davis Wygant and it speaks about how to attract women by dressing out of your comfort zone. The video shooting is done at a dress outlet. The guy presenting the video says that when it comes to dressing, you should never be in your comfort zone. You always have to come out of your comfort zone to attract a woman. He asks you to always think of the type of woman you want to attract and the kind of dresses that will attract her. Then try to dress yourself one st...

How To: Seduce your dream girl

This is a very interesting instructional video on how to seduce your dream girl. It teaches you how you should talk to your dream girl if you happen to see her in a bar or at a grocery store. How do you start the conversation and seduce her? This video provides you with very useful tips on dating. When you talk to your dream girl for the first time you have to be more careful of what to say and what not to say. Your first impression is very important to seduce your dream girl, therefore you h...

How To: Get over a big break-up

This video shows “How to get over a big break up”. Even if you are in love with the other person, you have to remember that they might not be in love with you. What may help you is to write a list of all the bad things about that person, for example the things that didn't satisfy you in the relationship. You could make some changes in your life, remove the things that remind you of the other person. You could take the things that remind you of that other person, and write a negative memory on...

How To: Go beyond pick-up lines & attract women

David Wygant discusses going beyond pick-up lines and attract women. When you know what you're looking for, interacting with women becomes an almost Zen-like experience. When you talk to a woman, give her your complete attention. Don't make leaving with a woman the goal. Instead, make the connection the goal. Say to yourself what is the woman's emotion and feelings and don't look for the outcome. The outcome is the future and nobody can ever tell what the future holds. What makes a woman desi...

How To: Know the best age for the first committed relationship

Dan and Jennifer discuss the best age for your first committed relationship. People in their mid-teens are too young to be in a long distance relationship, a committed relationship or any kind of serious relationship. People aren't ready for serious, committed relationships until they're in their late twenties. At that age, people's bodies are finished growing, their brains are finished developing and they're more emotionally mature. People in their late twenties know what they want and who t...

How To: Meet girls with the right opening line

David Wygant discusses how to meet girls with the right opening line. First, don't initially get hung up on one girl. You can become selective once you successfully utilize techniques to be open to everyone and gain their interest. First, observe a woman and get inside her head. Women and men think in very similar ways. Everyone's favorite conversation is about themselves. Keep her lips moving and talking about herself by observing and paying attention to every little detail. Train your mind ...

How To: Make him forget her

Dan and Jennifer offer dating and relationship advice. Dan and Jennifer are answering a question from a young lady who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who is still hung up on his ex-boyfriend. Dan offers the advice of moving on, because the guy is not ready for a relationship. Jennifer describes this a love triangle with one person stuck in the middle. They both advise that the eventual outcome will be one of the women in his life will finally move on. The question is whether the wom...

How To: Make a woman feel instantly comfortable with you

Observe the woman you're interacting with and listen to the woman to inform your conversation. Using these techniques will help women feel open and comfortable with you. Women are just people so don't objectify them. Making a connection enables you to view a woman as a real person and not just an object of attraction. If you are interested in getting to really know the woman as a person instead of having the goal of getting a woman's number or picking a woman up, you will have more success in...

How To: Meet hot women by being playful & goofy

David Wygant discusses how to meet hot women by being playful and goofy. Being playful and goofy during everyday life will attract attention from women. Women often wants to know who you really are. Being goofy shows that you are being playful. It also shows that you are being yourself and attracting positive energy. Women will want to be around you to discover this positive energy for themselves. You don't need pickup lines to meet and attract hot women. Simply be yourself and focus on havin...

How To: Not respond to her messages when online dating

Dan and Jennifer discuss not responding to messages in a timely manner when online dating. A lot of men are terrified and want to play it cool so they don't come across as desperate when dating online. If a woman writes you a message, don't hesitate to immediately respond to her message. A woman who sends you a message is interested and you should take advantage of it. Don't listen to what your buddies say. If you want to date a woman and don't respond to her message, some other guy might and...

How To: Know if seduction & pick-up tactics can work for you

Dan and Jennifer explain how to know if seduction and pick-up tactics will work for you. First, you need to learn to be yourself. Be wary of relying on pick-up and seduction books alone. Don't pretend to be something you're not to trick a girl into going out with you, because she's eventually going to meet the real you. You may get a lot of dates and have a lot of one night stands using pick-up tactics, but you're not going to get and keep the girl who you really want. Dishonesty is a sure wa...

How To: Meet women & stop being so uptight

David Wygant and his students discuss how to meet women and stop being so uptight. Enjoy being with your group of friends when you go out. Women will be attracted to men who are laid back and having a good time. Enjoy life by relaxing and stop being so uptight. Create positive energy because people are naturally drawn to that. Listening to a woman is also really important. Finding out what a woman wants is the key to what a lot of men are missing. Meeting women when you are relaxed and having...

How To: Deal with a guy who won't introduce you to his parents

In this video, Dan and Jennifer answer a 71 year old woman's question about her relationship. The asker has been staying with an 80 year old man that she met online, for three years. Throughout the duration of the relationship, the man has not told his family (which comprises of his two children) about the relationship. The woman is unsure about what exactly this means. In addition, the man has been over to the woman's house multiple times, but she has never been to his house. Dan and Jennife...

How To: Flirt with women & make yourself rejection proof

David Wygant discusses how to flirt with women and make yourself rejection proof. If a man does everything right and a woman doesn't respond, don't have a temper tantrum. If you do that, you will not realize that your dividend may pay off in the long run and have instead shot yourself in a foot, which the woman will notice. As an alternative, kill her with kindness. Walk away and retain your power. You may run into her later and have a different outcome. Be okay if the attraction isn't escala...

How To: Meet women without pick-up lines

David Wygant discusses how to meet women without pick-up lines. Men like to have instruction manuals with secret codes to tell them how to do things. Women, however, are simple to relate to and interact with once you get to know them. Don't manipulate a woman. Rather, use her language to make the connection. You can use tools to boost your success with women, but your initial connection has to start naturally and authentically. If you want an amazing connection with a woman, then you have to ...

How To: Get inside her head to get inside her pants

You need to escalate the relationship, excite her mind and tease her. You don't want to be too pushy or too confident. You also shouldn't fall in the other extreme, of becoming too quiet and just listening to her. Make sure you remember what she says, so you can latch onto any piece of important information. You need to get into her moment, into her world. You can be goofy and fun and be an approachable person. Women will tend to be attracted by these type of men.

How To: Get a woman to fantasize about you

David Wygant discusses how to get a woman to fantasize about you. Don't look exclusively for the visual clues. The verbal clues are key, so listen to a woman when she talks. Women are about sharing their feelings and emotions. You don't have to agree with a woman but you should share your own opinions. If you listen to a woman, you will have an easy close. You will become the guy that she talks about. If you meet a woman the traditional way, drunk and in a bar, you are essentially a telemarke...

How To: Deal with liking a girl who has a boyfriend

Learn how you can deal with liking a girl, even though she has a boyfriend. That can be a tough situation, but you need to remember that you don't own her, the boyfriend doesn't own her, she doesn't own you, and she doesn't own him. You have to remember that as a human being, you have the right to spend time with whomever you choose, and she has that right as well. You should make sure that you are reading her cues properly so that you don't get caught into some weird love triangle. Make sure...

How To: Turn her on with your walk

The first key to snagging the girl is to captivate her with your wal. A confident and masculine walk will have all eyes on you, even the ones you're looking back into. Not many men have the confidence to take over a room with their presence. And as a man who wants to get the girl, thats your first key, confidence. Bring it in your walk, your talk, and your attitude. Don't be cocky, just secure enough to chill her insecurities.

How To: Break-up with your long distance boyfriend nicely

To break up with your long-distance boyfriend and still be on good terms with the guy is hard, but you need to be honest tell him exactly how you're feeling. Say what you have to quickly, and tell him it's not working out how you want it too. Tell him it's not satisfying you, and that it is not the type of relationship that you wanted or would be capable of continuing. Let him know that having a piece of him from a long distance is not cutting it and you just can't do it anymore. Don't lead h...

How To: Kiss creatively in multiple ways

Want some more adventurous alternatives to the French kiss? This tutorial teaches you many other passionate ways of kissing your partner. Learn the butterfly kiss, the reverse or upside down kiss, the facial kiss, and the dominant kiss. You will be exciting your partner with new ways to smooch.

How To: Ask a girl out from a girl's point of view

In this short video tutorial Jet and Star from The Wing Girls give advice on finding out if the girl you've just met likes you as a friend or more than just a friend. They advise you on how to ask the girl to "hang out", keeping it "chill" and casual. The video then deals with subjects like how to "get her alone", and "holding her hand". The video itself is short but entertaining, and the girls manage to explain their approach to the subject in an entertaining and casual way.

How To: Date if you're over 65 years old

Life and dating coach Donna Barnes discusses dating if you're over 65. There are a lot of people out there looking for companionship, and just because you are over a certain age does not mean there isn't someone for you! Try to find places that arrange activities for seniors, look online and find fun things to do with new people. You don't have to spend your life alone, a lot of people are out there looking to meet someone like you.

How To: Tell if a girl likes you

This video gives tips and signs on what to look out for to tell if a girl/woman likes you. Here are some tips and signs to look for to check if a woman is interested/attracted to you: - asking you a lot of questions - ignores her friends and keeps talking to you - playfully touches you / initiates contact - while telling a story and then you suddenly stop, she will be eager for you to continue it - if she unconsciously mirrors your actions - lead her to someplace then take her hand, squeeze i...

How To: Intrigue women with the right words & stop boredom

David Wygant, the dating expert teaches how men can attract women using the right words in a conversation and keep them interested. He goes on to cite an example of how he started a casual conversation with a woman and kept her engaged and interested in it throughout. He provides tips on how men can overcome the problem of loss of words when they meet women. He explains in his own witty way the power of walk away, a technique he adopts with aplomb. David claims that this simple technique alon...

How To: Impress a girl

Curt gives a few tips on the art of seducing a woman. To impress a girl, especially a beautiful girl, the only thing you really have to do, is to not try and impress her. She wants to be with a man who already thinks of himself as equal to her, not someone who is trying so hard to reach her level. She wants someone who knows his own value. Approach the woman with confidence, letting her know that you already have self worth and respect for yourself. Never use pick up lines or buy her a drink....

How To: Attract a woman with just your body language

In this video, dating coach and expert David Wygant will teach you all about how to attract women using only your body language. This video takes you right into the action and is a live, on the field look at an attempt to pick up women in action! This will give you a real life example through the windows of a shopping store. David narrates a situation between a guy and a shop-girl. Within the video, he will teach you how to be open, charming and captivating while flirting with a woman in your...

How To: Create your own entourage

David Wygant explains how to win friends and influence women by creating your own entourage. When you go out, have fun and incorporate all sorts of people, both men and women, into your interactions. Gather people around you because if you're the center of the social party, people will want to connect with you. Talk to everyone and you'll be able to meet the kind of women that you want. After you meet a women that you like, texting as a followup is okay to begin the seduction process. A phone...

How To: Meet the hottest women online dating has to offer

David Wygant explains how to date online and grab a woman's attention. Emotional connections are important so tell your personal story with passion. Write your online profile like something a woman likes to read and then present her with a challenge. Your profile should be your personal story that's emotional, self-evolved, romantic and real. Pick up key things that are written in a woman's profile and cut and paste them into yours. Also, use a combination of humor and curiosity when initiati...

How To: Ask a girl out with success

Vanae goes over some tips on how to successfully ask a girl out in this video tutorial. The first tip offered in this tutorial is building a connection between yourself and the girl. This means talking and getting to know the girl before asking her out. The next tip is figuring out what she likes as far as restaurants and movies. The third step is to decide where you want to take her. For example, if there is a new restaurant that just opened up, Vanae suggests asking the girl if she wants to...

How To: Screen "bunny boilers" aka crazy girls

David Wygant teaches you how to screen the crazy girls and meet more fun and challenging women. When women act crazy, you will want to stay away from them, it is not a good atmosphere to be in. When they're smart and calling you out, challenging out and asking questions, you start to feel attraction. You can get to know a woman by simply texting or emailing her. This will open up the doors for a lot of conversation, some if it requires. You do have the added bonus that you can see the other p...

How To: Attract a girl the best & easiest way

In this video offering advice on how to attract women, David Wygant explains why he talks to everyone. You'll find tat this is one of the best and easiest ways to start attracting women! It's about building momentum. The biggest mistake most guys make is that they don't talk to anybody. They spend the entire day waiting for the hot female, and when that happens they can't talk to her because they haven't talked to anyone all day long. Most people are walking around in a coma. You should be ge...

How To: Know if she's into you

Life and dating coach Vanae will help you to understand whether or not she's into you. She takes us through the signs you should look out for that hint that she is in fact into you. Pick up on signs like if she's smiling at you a lot or engaging in small talk with you. When you say jokes look and how she responds to you, and attempt to build trust with her in order to dive deeper into her feelings and personality. To have a chance at all you must put yourself out there and talk to her and ask...

How To: Get out of the friend zone with someone you like

For many men, the workings of the female mind are difficult to understand. In this video, Vanae helps her male viewers understand how to get out of the friend zone with a girl they might be interested in. First of all, when a girl meets a guy, she automatically will classify them into two groups: friends and guys she could potentially date. In order to get out of this friend zone, a guy must keep in mind some key facts, such as the fact that most girls do not want to be chased. Having a natur...

How To: Tell if a guy likes you

This video tells you what to look for when wanting to know if a guy likes you. You should look for things like if he stares at you all the time, if you catch him looking at you, if he teases or acts stupid around you, he pretends to look behind you but he's really looking at you, he smiles at you all the time, he walks close to you, he shares things with you, and he wants to talk to you all the time.

How To: Reconnect with your ex-boyfriend

Are you a woman looking to reconnect with the one that got away? Whether you are trying to overcome a divorce or a breakup with your boyfriend, this video provides some helpful tips. Covers tough issues disagreement over children, money problems, lack of excitement in the bedroom, cheating and dishonesty, and whether or not your love reconnection is likely to work out. If you are thinking about getting back together with your ex, this is a must-see video.